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The Kidney Cleanse

Feel your energy levels go sky high! This is also a great way to reset your adrenal glands so if you suffer from adrenal fatigue the kidney cleanse protocol will boost your adrenals. The kidney cleanse improves kidney function helps to remove toxins, promotes better kidney health and reduces the risk of kidney disease.



The Liver Cleanse

The liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body, working tirelessly to rid the body of toxins, detoxify the blood, produce bile needed to digest fat and break down hormones. Our health and well-being depends on the liver and the removal of toxins. Today, we are faced with so many environmental toxins occurring in our homes, places of work and in our food supply. It is essential for our general health and well-being to maintain good liver health. Cleansing and detoxing the liver helps to clear pesticides, medications and heavy metals out of your system, resulting in a healthy liver.



The Colon Cleanse

Many people suffer from digestive issues such as constipation and cramps, as well as irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut and diverticulosis. Fortunately, a natural colon juice cleanse can help to alleviate discomfort associated with digestion and elimination and provide relief from constipation. The health benefits of a colon cleanse include improved digestion, weight loss, a stronger immune system, better mood, clarity and a clear head, removal of toxins in the digestive system and colon, and a reduced risk of colon cancer.

Congratulations for choosing this book! I have no doubt that it will change your life for the better. It will inspire you to achieve your dreams and to live the life that you have always wanted to live!
Raymond Aaron

New York Times Bestselling Author

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